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Legs hooted. I already almost six hours, as if a cat, jumped from one boulder on another where it was impossible to jump it was necessary to climb or help myself hands. It seemed to me that to coast there will be no end. Than further on the north, those became stones more finely, and it was more difficult to that to walk on them.
Ресортов and hotels on a way did not meet, though places sometimes came across rather nice, with small песчанными beaches and palm trees on coast.
The landscape has not changed, even it steel seemed to me that mountains a shade higher. From fauna, except for birds and crabs - saw nobody.
On right bottom pix it is visible as the tree has grown together with a stone.

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 Koh Kood, resort, hotel, Koh Kood activities, Koh Kood Photo, Koh Kood tour, cheap air tickets,  islands, dining, food, nightlife, beach, Koh Kood hotel room, honeymoon,  trip to Koh Kood, Ko Kut
 Koh Kood, resort, hotel, Koh Kood activities, Koh Kood Photo, Koh Kood tour, cheap air tickets,  islands, dining, food, nightlife, beach, Koh Kood hotel room, honeymoon,  trip to Koh Kood, Ko Kut
Sometimes towards came across small bays, similar as one against each other. In gulfs there were on piles fishing huts. Huts in the sea there left a long pier, with the waterpipe attached to it. Interestingly for what to swing sea water?
 Koh Kood, resort, hotel, Koh Kood activities, Koh Kood Photo, Koh Kood tour, cheap air tickets,  islands, dining, food, nightlife, beach, Koh Kood hotel room, honeymoon,  trip to Koh Kood, Ko Kut
 Koh Kood, resort, hotel, Koh Kood activities, Koh Kood Photo, Koh Kood tour, cheap air tickets,  islands, dining, food, nightlife, beach, Koh Kood hotel room, honeymoon,  trip to Koh Kood, Ko Kut
 Koh Kood, resort, hotel, Koh Kood activities, Koh Kood Photo, Koh Kood tour, cheap air tickets,  islands, dining, food, nightlife, beach, Koh Kood hotel room, honeymoon,  trip to Koh Kood, Ko Kut

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