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Koh Kood, resort, hotel, Koh Kood activities, Koh Kood Photo, Koh Kood tour, cheap air tickets,  islands, dining, food, nightlife, beach, Koh Kood hotel room, honeymoon,  trip to Koh Kood, Ko Kut The best time to dive is during the cool season from around October/November to April. The west and of the island, between Koh Chang and Koh Kood, is an excellent spot to dive. Snorkeling on other small islands off Koh Kood like Koh Kham, Koh Rayang, Koh Wai and Koh Laoya are also worth checking out.

One of the most famous and reliable diving operators in Koh Kood includes BB Divers, which provides free transfer to and from the island's resorts as well as instructions in major languages.

Бангкок Аэропорт Трансфер, Заказ Такси из Аэропорта Бангкока в Ко Чанг & Ко Самет

Scuba Diving in Koh Kood

Koh Kood (also known as Ko Kut) has only recently been discovered for its exciting aquatic life. Our local dive sites are therefore pristine and not overcrowded by large diving operations. Scuba diving opens our eyes to a whole new world of adventure and possibilities – a magical realm of colour, beauty and endless fun! There is nothing quite like the sensation of breathing underwater and floating weightless amongst the colourful fish and the amazing marine life of the Gulf of Thailand. This will be an experience you will never forget!
Koh Kood offers for diving some interesting dive-sites, fine corall reefes and mysterious underwater rocks. During a high season visibility under water the best, varying then in the opposite side during a season of monsoons. Dive tours offered local shops mention sites near Koh Chang, Koh Rung and Koh Wai.
- Tui Reef, Ao Phuk Waeng
Mostly a rock dive, with depths 5 to 14m. This reef offers a nice landscape and a good variety of coral. Being on the top of the island we sometimes have schools of fish looking for shelter when the currents picks up.

- Lak Uan reef (Koh Mai Si Lek island)
Lots of rocks and boulders offer a nice seascape. Between the rocks and coral reef we can find stonefish, eels, stingray, nudibranch, anemone fish, cleaning shrimp and more ...

- Koh Raet island
This island offers different dive sites. The depth is between 5 to 14m. The dive sites are located between Koh Rat and Koh Kood, giving shelter for snorkeling, discover scuba diving and regular dives. There is nice coral and on the reef we often see stingray, moray eels, all kinds of small coral fish, catfish, goatfish, razor fish, stone fish ...

- Laem Hin Dam cape
This is a rock dive, depth 5 to 12m. The rocky outcrop offers a nice seascape with small rock boulders, good shelter for stingray, eels, and good variety of nudibranch, ...

- Ao Klong Chao bay
This reef, close the dive shop is a nice and easy dive. Ideal for night dives, perfect for discover dives or refresher dives. There is beautiful healthy coral and lots of things out in the sand such as starfish, octopus, crabs..

- Hin Yedhi и Ao Tum
This rocky dive spots offer some nice coral reefs as well. Fish we find there are parrotfish, lionfish, jack, batfish. It is a good spot to find turtles.

- Hin Loy reef (Bang Bao bay) 5 to 15 meter
This rock in open sea offers a good refuge, so it is full of fish. There are many nudibranch, groupers, sweet lips, fusiliers, parrotfish and lots of colorful shrimp hiding in the rocks, sometimes turtle. Around the rock there is nice coral reef, and of in the sand three are many things to find, ray, flounder, sepia, octopus and sometimes seahorses. Because of the abundance of crustaceans it is great location for a night dive.

Koh Kood dive-centers

BB DIVERS five star Padi dive center is an international diving school under Belgian management. Our Koh Kood branch opened in October 2011, but BBdivers have been diving for much longer on Koh Chang. In 2003 Kristel founded the dive centre. She stayed on the island on one of her many travels and fell in love with this great place and its gorgeous surroundings. She decided to turn her biggest hobbies diving and traveling into a successful business. A dream and a great lifestyle came true. BB divers quickly became one of the best diving schools in the area, they have build a great reputation and are known for their professionalism, while offering a relaxed atmosphere to dive and learn diving. The reason why all customers love to come here is because BBdivers has a distinctive style. BB 'divers' are treated as our friends not as a student number...

Paradise Divers operate since 20 Years in the Koh Chang Archipelago. The founder Mr. Siggi Schalinski is one of the pioneer in the history of scuba diving, with past dive center at the Maldives, Australia and still in Germany. He discover more than 20 years ago the idyllic tropical paradise island Koh Mak & Koh Kood for us. The German Manager Mr. Michael Misic joined Paradise Divers 9 Years ago as CMAS Instructor and operates for the last years the Divecenter at Koh Kood. Together with the Paradise Divers he gives the costumers an enjoyable and safe time.

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