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Ко Куд, Koh Kood, отель на Ко Куд, отели Ко Куд, отдых на Ко Куд, фото Ко Куд, туры на Ко Куд, дешевые авиабилеты,  острова, ресторан, еда, ночной клуб, пляж, номер в отеле на Ко Куд, медовый месяц,  на Ко Кут The landscape of Koh Kood is similar to Koh Chang, but is more uniform and is less mastered. It is mountainous, the highest mountain - Khao Phaentее - height of 315 meters, and in the greater degree, than Koh Chang, is covered with a tropical rain forest- almost for 70 percent. On island many coconut palms, and plantations of a rubber tree.

Mangrove or Mangry can be met on Koh Kood in many places. It is considered, that mangry represent significant value in a coastal zone, acting in roles of the buffer against erosion, an impact of storm and a tsunami.
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Mangrove forest or Mangrove

Mangrove swamps are found in tropical and subtropical tidal areas. Areas where mangal occurs include estuaries and marine shorelines. [ 5 ] Mangrove forests of the world in 2000 The intertidal existence to which these trees are adapted represents the major limitation to the number of species able to thrive in their habitat. High tide brings in salt water, and when the tide recedes, solar evaporation of the seawater in the soil leads to further increases in salinity. The return of tide can flush out these soils, bringing them back to salinity levels comparable to that of seawater. At low tide, organisms are also exposed to increases in temperature and desiccation, and are then cooled and flooded by the tide. Thus, for a plant to survive in this environment, it must tolerate broad ranges of salinity, temperature, and moisture, as well as a number of other key environmental factors-thus only a select few species make up the mangrove tree community.

About 110 species are considered "mangroves", in the sense of being a tree that grows in such a saline swamp, [ 5 ] though only a few are from the mangrove plant genus, Rhizophora . However, a given mangrove swamp typically features only a small number of tree species. It is not uncommon for a mangrove forest in the Caribbean to feature only three or four tree species. For comparison, the tropical rainforest biome contains thousands of tree species, but this is not to say mangrove forests lack diversity. Though the trees themselves are few in species, the ecosystem these trees create provides a home for a great variety of other organisms.

Mangrove plants require a number of physiological adaptations to overcome the problems of anoxia , high salinity and frequent tidal inundation . Each species has its own solutions to these problems; this may be the primary reason why, on some shorelines, mangrove tree species show distinct zonation. Small environmental variations within a mangal may lead to greatly differing methods for coping with the environment. Therefore, the mix of species is partly determined by the tolerances of individual species to physical conditions, such as tidal inundation and salinity, but may also be influenced by other factors, such as predation of plant seedlings by crabs.

Koh Kood Mangrove

Ко Куд, Koh Kood, отель на Ко Куд, отели Ко Куд, отдых на Ко Куд, фото Ко Куд, туры на Ко Куд, дешевые авиабилеты,  острова, ресторан, еда, ночной клуб, пляж, номер в отеле на Ко Куд, медовый месяц,  на Ко КутМангровын леса на острове в основном произрастают на восточном побережье, а так же ими опутаны каналы на западном берегу Ко Куд, такие как Кхлонг Чао (Khlong Chao) и Кхлонг Яй Ки (Khlong Yai Kee). Мангры поддерживают уникальные экосистемы, особенно на своих сложных корневых системах. В местах постоянного погружения корней мангры могут служить прибежищем огромному множеству организмов, включая водоросли, различные моллюски, губки и мшанки , которым всем нужен твердый субстрат, к которому они прикрепляются при фильтрации пищи. Мангры — прекрасный буфер между бурным океаном и уязвимым берегом, особенно во время ураганов, которые приносят мощные штормы к берегам. Мощная корневая система мангров довольно эффективна при погашении энергии волн. Та же корневая система также препятствует размыванию берегов.

Самый лучший способ изучить мангровые заросли - это арендовать каяк и отправиться в путешествие по одному из каналов острова.

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