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Was already about 2:00pm. The sun stood in zenith, heat stood extreme, potable water quickly came to an end. In the distance on stones I have seen what that the index.
After a while have seemed каке the structures alone worth on coast. It was gulf Краланг, and in it(him) a small frontier post. About a pier there was a big rubber boat with the powerful motor. From a small house on a pier, towards to me the person in a uniform has left. To photograph has not resolved - as in any way military object. Them there appeared two, the second prepared I peep. Have treated me with a bottle of water and has shown road to Ao Yai bay I and itself did not know. One was dear here - on the north along coast.
- Only here how many still to go? - the question started to turn from me in a head. Up to a sunset remained about three hours
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